What is weight management?

Medically supervised weight management with Dr. Abukamleh consists of nutrition and exercise programs, weight loss medications if needed, and lifestyle counseling to help you move toward an ideal weight determined by your gender, age, and height. He personalizes a weight loss program based on your lifestyle, health history, and goals.

Which advantages does medical weight management offer?

Medical weight loss with Dr. Abukamleh provides numerous advantages, including:

  • Simple weight loss plans
  • Highly effective, long-lasting results
  • More energy
  • Disease management
  • Lower risk of chronic diseases
  • Compassionate care
  • Utmost safety
  • Reduced appetite
  • Leaner physique 
  • Greater self-confidence
  • Better quality of life

You won’t feel hungry, deprived, or tired during your weight loss journey, and you can still eat many of your favorite foods.

Am I a candidate for weight management?

If your body mass index (BMI) is within an overweight or obese category, you’re a candidate for medically supervised weight loss with Dr. Abukamleh. 

A normal weight is described as having a body mass index (BMI) of 18.5-24.9. Overweight BMIs are 25-29.9, and people who are obese have BMIs of 30 or greater. High BMIs increase the risk of Type 2 diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), heart disease, and many other chronic diseases.

What should I expect during my weight management program?

During weight management with Dr. Abukamleh, he completes an initial evaluation. He reviews your blood pressure and other vital signs, weighs you, determines your BMI, and discusses your medical history.

He also reviews your diet and other lifestyle habits, medications, food preferences, and more before personalizing a weight loss plan that matches your needs.

Your weight management program may include:

  • Customized meal plans
  • Individualized exercise recommendations
  • Dietary supplements
  • Weight loss injections
  • Phentermine weight loss medications
  • Chronic disease management
  • Hormone replacement therapy 
  • Lifestyle change counseling

You can inject weight loss medications from the comfort of your home (with a prescription) to reduce your appetite. 

Expect to lose 1-2 pounds weekly, sometimes more, on your weight loss journey. Follow up with Dr. Abukamleh as instructed to ensure success, and call his office at any time with questions.

After you achieve your target weight, Dr. Abukamleh helps you maintain it long-term using healthy habits and continuous support.

Schedule a weight management consultation with Hisham Abukamleh, MD, by phone or request one online today.